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Apple fanboys and girls rejoyce
Apple Store 2.0 launches with interactive iPads and more
Apple Store 2.0 has launched internationally in Australia and should be launching in the United States tomorrow, Sunday. Apple Store 2.0 is a major update the Apple’s retail stores. The first change will be
Read More »Apple job listing outs possible Sprint iPhone?
Apple has posted a new job up on its website that suggests a Sprint iPhone may be on the way. The company is looking for a team of Carrier Engineers that supports taking products
Read More »Apple files patent with text-to-speech and speech-to-text
Apple has filed an application for a patent to advance iPhone with text-to-speech and speech-to-text. The new features explored in the patent involves a text-to-speech and speech-to-text converter to provide new ways to communicate
Read More »Apple may announce partnership with Nuance at WWDC
Apple has been building this new data center in North Carolina for a while now. We are now finally getting some speculation on why it is being built and why it is so damn
Read More »Amazon Cloud Player now streams to iOS
Amazon pushed out an update on Saturday to it’s website allowing iOS devices to stream music right from the Safari browser. Previously, Amazon was not compatible with iOS devices and could not used on
Read More »Playboy coming to iPad on May 18, complete and uncensored
Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy, has taken to Twitter to announce the iPad version of his Playboy magazine. He tells us that it will be available beginning in May 18 and will be complete
Read More »iOS 4.3.3 gets untethered jailbreak and unlock; iPad 2 still left out
The Dev-Team has cracked the case and released an untethered jailbreak and unlock for all iOS devices that support 4.3.3 except the iPad 2. The Dev-Team explains that the iPad 2 jailbreak is still under development
Read More »iOS 4.3.3 update now available from iTunes
Apple today released the iOS 4.3.3 software update that fixes the location tracking problem that was recently found on iPhone devices. As expected, the iOS 4.3.3 update will help to fix this problem and
Read More »iOS 4.3.3 update coming soon; fixes location tracking issues
Apple has been in the news a lot lately for its location tracking issue. The company issued a statement saying that an update would be available in the next few days to solve the problem.
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