BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 Officially Available in App World

Andrew Duong October 7, 2009 5


RIM… I’d love to slap you and say finally… Then hug you. BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 is now officially available on the BlackBerry App World. The BBM 5.0 works on any OS v4.5 and higher and  also works on OS beta leaks if any of you guys are running it. If you are currently running the BBM 5.0 beta leak. Download the official one at the app world. Then reboot your device and it should now show up. To those who forgot what the BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 hype is all about. Here’s a little feature list:

  • Avatars can be easily set up and then populated from BlackBerry Contacts
  • Group Functionality – allows groups of friends, family and personal contacts to stay connected & share experiences instantly on their BlackBerry smartphones:
  • ongoing group chat
  • sharing pictures
  • organizing tasks and events with shared lists and calendars
  • Bar-code identity – easily add/invite contacts to BlackBerry Messenger by displaying a 2-dimensional bar code that the invitees can capture with their BlackBerry camera
  • Large Media File Transfer – up to 6MB

Download BlackBerry Messenger 5.0 From App World
Visit from your BlackBerry mobile device.


  1. david November 3, 2009 at 4:08 PM -

    i d-loaded the 5.0 on my blacberry flip phone and now the icon is gone!!!! help me?

  2. Kevin February 20, 2010 at 4:35 PM -


  3. daniel December 17, 2010 at 3:59 AM -

    I downloaded it on my blackberry 8900 nd d icon is gone…pls help me…need help Asap.

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