A powerpoint presentation that seems to have been made by AT&T has leaked today and has some treats. The slides we will bring you is the BlackBerry Onyx, BlackBerry Magnum, Pearl 3G, and Gemini. If this presentation is to be believed, AT&T will be getting tons of new BlackBerrys in the near future. Hit the jump for the full scoop.
The Onyx is a 3G BlackBerry with 256MB flash memory and a 3.2 megapixel camera with auto focus. It features Wi-Fi and GPS, bluetooth 2.0, a 3.5mm headphone jack, and a trackball. The BlackBerry Gemini lacks 3G, but has a 512 MHz processor, 256MB of memory, and 128MB of RAM. It will also have a 2MB camera, and a trackball. The pearl 3G will have SureType and will not be a Pearl Flip. With HSDPA 3.6 Mbps, this will be the first 3G Pearl on AT&T. The Magnum will have a QWERTY keyboard and a touch screen. Specs will be very similar to the Bold with this one. Check out the rest of the slides below.