BlackBerry Atlas? – Another Bold?

Andrew Duong September 29, 2009 0


Not sure where Salomondrin is getting all this information or how the heck he even does. Either way, this is pretty impressive (besides the fact that there isn’t any 3G). Look out for the rumored “BlackBerry Atlas” a 9700 with the 8900 features. So… the BlackBerry Onyx resembles the Bold… then the Blackberry Atlas resembles the Curve 2… All makes sense. I see absolutely no point in this but who knows, it’s still a rumor.

At first when I heard about the new Blackberry Atlas I thought it was going to be a CDMA device, but the surprise is not only the fact that indeed is another GSM device, but that it is “Another Bold“? Can someone explain this to me!

This is what I know so far about the Atlas:

1) It says Bold on the back

2) Keyboard of a Javelin

3) Its NOT 3G, its just EDGE

4) Has flash in the camera

5) Has a trackpad

* As the story develops I’ll post more about this new device by RIM, so stay tuned for more.

Follow @Salomondrin for the latest rumors and info.
Source via “Salomondrin The Ultimate BlackBerry Ninja”

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