An internal document from Sprint has leaked with some great information on it. This document shows that Sprint is currently testing the BlackBerry 9630 (which we now know to be the BlackBerry Tour) and the HTC Snap in alpha/beta. According to this document, the BlackBerry 9630 was added to the demo list on February 9, 2009. The HTC Snap was just added on April 10. There is still not release dates on these devices, but it does show that Sprint is getting them ready to launch in the future.
I’m a sprint customer with an 8330 and I can’t wait to get the 9630! I have absolutely no interest in the Palm Pre.
Sweet. Sprint is awesome but they owe us one. Put that 9630 in my hand soon!
The BB 9630 is just the phone Sprint needs to help bring customers in! (besides the Pre of course lol)