BlackBerry 9630 found on eBay

Justin Cauchon March 14, 2009 12


The BlackBerry Niagara 9630 has made its way onto eBay today and was sold in about four hours. The phone was bought at $1995 with Buy It Now and had a bunch of pictures that we haven’t seen before. Check out a bunch more after the jump.






  1. NoWiFiagain March 14, 2009 at 8:11 PM -

    There’s still no WiFi. That should be a concern for anyone who wants to buy one.

  2. dwn2die August 24, 2009 at 7:53 PM -

    wtf, who cares, old news go buy one. yada yada a waste of crawl bandwidth

  3. Nisha Ronan June 16, 2011 at 6:12 PM -

    i think this blackberry is on mine because i lost mine and people sedd something about ebay about my blackberry soo can you email me on [email protected] and then we would speak about it then thank you reply asap

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