Verizon to lower New Every Two discounts and eliminate Test Drive program on February 15th

Justin Cauchon January 30, 2009 9


Verizon needs to cut costs during these hard economic times. To avoid further lay-offs it is going to lower the New Every Two program discounts and eliminate the Test Drive program. With the New Every Two program, customers are able to upgrade their phones 20 months into their 2 year contract if they are on a rate plan above $34.99. The current program allows customers to receive a discount of $50 on their next phone if they are on a rate plan of $34.99-79.98, or $100 if they are on a rate plan of $79.99 and up. However, this program is going to change for customers who enroll on or after February 15th. Customers will only get a $30 discount if they are on a rate plan of $34.99-79.98 and a $50 discount on a rate plan of $79.99.

Verizon also plans to eliminate the Test Drive program. This program allows customers to test out the Verizon network and port their number to another carrier if they are not satisfied without being charged the usage charges and activation fee. On and after February 15th this will not longer be the case and customers will need to pay for the usage and activation fee if they cancel or port out. The only exception is for customers who cancel within 3 days who will receive a credit on the bill for the activation fee.

[Via Boy Genius Report]


  1. Nutka February 5, 2009 at 11:59 AM -


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  5. Ruina February 17, 2009 at 2:06 PM -

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  6. braiseevabs April 13, 2009 at 10:44 AM -

    5 февраля компанией «Полисет-СБ» будет представлена комплексная система безопасности под названием «Экспресс». Данная демонстрация пройдет в Москве в Выставочном комплексе «Крокус Сити», ведь именно здесь в это время и будет проводиться выставка «Технологии безопасности», тематике которой «Экспресс» полностью соответствует.

  7. Tubrinuehaura April 15, 2009 at 5:08 AM -

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    1 — поиск, длящийся до того момента, как собака начнет причуивать признаки присутствия дичи в доступном для ее чутья расстоянии;

    2 — потяжку — работа собаки, разбирающейся в донесшемся до нее запахе до момента окончательного определения ею наличия дичи; эта работа заканчивается

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  9. Erika August 10, 2010 at 11:34 PM -

    Verizon needs to cut costs during these hard economic times. To avoid further lay-offs it is going to lower the New Every Two program discounts and eliminate the Test Drive program.Thanks for your great post more power to your site! G-d bless 🙂

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