Ice Cream Paint Job

Luis Collazo January 27, 2010 0

Colorware, the company that has brought custom colored BlackBerries to the likes of BGR, has done it again. This time they’re offering the Nexus One for customization. In case you don’t know who Colorware is, they are dedicated to the likes of customization on your favorite devices such as BlackBerry, PSP, MacBooks, Nook, XBOX 360 and others. You can personally start pimping out your brand new Nexus One so you can stand out to that person you want to impress. Pricing for customization is at $185 and you have to send yours in for the customization. Now you would be Nexus Oneless but the world isn’t going to end at that very moment. Once it comes back you should be popular again for a couple more days. If you do not have a Nexus One and want to purchase one customized and have sent by Colorware themselves, the price will set you back $810. Now $810 is a lot of money, but if you’re rich go ahead, and if you’re not you can always purchase that brand new iPad….

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