RIM Updates All Messaging Clients and Social Networks

Andrew Duong September 23, 2009 0


Now this might not be a huge difference to people who are running anything under OS 5.0 on their BlackBerry device, but to people that are, RIM has finally decided to upgrade all there instant messaging clients to v2.5 as well as
Facebook Version allowing it to support the new OS 5.0 beta firmware for BlackBerry devices. Earlier, we spoke about how the OS 5.0 beta firmware for the BlackBerry has integrated threaded text message, but barely any applications were able to work. This is great for all those beta testers/users running the 5.0. Look out for more applications capable of running OS 5.0 and keep an eye out for the official 5.0 firmware to be released.

Click Here on your BlackBerry device to download these applications.

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