As many people have already heard. The Storm2, also known as the 9550 Odin, as been spotted with Verzion branding and lucky Salomondrin was able to get his hands on one and make a short video of it. Since this is the CDMA version, we obviously knew that Europe was bound to get some sort of GSM version. Well what do ya know.
Exclusive pictures have been captured over at a German website known as of the BlackBerry Odin 9520 with Vodapone carrier being used. (yes, we had to translate this) We don’t know much and neither do they but we do know is that the phone is the 9520 model, it’ll have WiFi and 3G, and that it’s running firmware This is great for European users but were really hoping to see a North American 3G version of the 9520 Odin for AT&T and Rogers.
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